House Mice
House Mice are 2” in size and round in shape. They are light brown in color.
They can live indoors or outdoors and can squeeze their bodies through tiny spaces as small as a dime. House Mice are the most common breed of mice in the United States and breed quickly.
House mice carry fleas, lice, mites, and ticks, which they then carry into your home. Their droppings contain harmful germs and contaminate food and food surfaces.
Deer Mice
Deer Mice are 5”-8” in size and round in shape. They are brown with white feet and underbelly.They typically live outdoors in rural areas where they seek shelter in hollow logs or debris piles. When they enter the indoors, they usually remain in garages, crawlspaces or attics.Deer Mice carry a potentially dangerous virus known as Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. The virus is transmitted though their dead carcasses or by inhaling airborne urine droplets of diseased mice.
Norway Rat
Norway Rats (or the Common Brown Rat) are 10”-12” in size and long in shape. They are dark brown or gray in color.
Norway Rats reside in wood piles and fields and prefer farmland although they have adapted to a more urban lifestyle and can also be found in sewers and garbage-strewn areas. They can squeeze their bodies through areas as small as a nickel. They feed on trash, seeds, meat, dairy, birdseed, and compost.
Norway Rats are very dangerous and can spread harmful parasitic diseases. Their droppings also spread harmful germs and contaminate food and food surfaces.
Roof Rat
Roof Rats can be up to 16” in size and their shape is long and oval. They are black in color.
Normally, they are found in the upper level of buildings but will also make their homes under buildings. They are known for poor vision but overcome this with their strong sense of hearing, touch, taste and smell. Roof Rats will eat almost anything they find and like to chew through various materials.
Roof Rats are the creatures known for spreading the Bubonic Plaque. They spread parasitic diseases and contaminate food and food surfaces.